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BMW Drives Short Film Lovers to the Internet

From 2001–2002, Clive Owen teamed up with BMW to take action packed chase scenes to a whole new level of bad-assary.

The Hire, a series of eight short films designed to subtly highlight the auto brand’s features, was perhaps the earliest successful example of a brand producing video content specifically for internet release. Owen played the same character every time: a professional driver hired for various high-risk jobs. In 2002, the campaign was awarded the Grand CLIO for Television/Cinema. The series had a comeback episode in 2016.

Actor Clive Owen on the set of the film “Hostage” on Saturday, August 3, 2002. The film is part of bmwfilmsí successful Internet series “The Hire” that features original short films by some of Hollywoodís most noted directors. The second season of “The Hire” premieres in October on (Jim Sulley/Medialink WirePix)